Current studies show that positive change for the incarcerated population is nearly non-existent. In the state of Utah, 80% of prisoners re-offend within 30 days of release. 60% of people behind bars have Anti-Learner tendencies.
Those tendencies mean they:
- Don’t believe they can learn
- Cannot recognize solutions and
tools for change - Do not understand how their
choices got them to where
they are now - Do not see a path to
anything different
Hear Josh's Story

We know they are capable of learning. They do not have anti-learner tendencies. They lack the tools and encouragement that they are fully capable of whatever change they seek. They need tools and resources to empower them to learn.
Our course engages each learner in a self-reflective model that leads them to take ownership of their story in the past, present, and future. We empower them to design a future they can be proud of.
In fact, of nearly 250 incarcerated individuals who have changed their lives with these tools, 100% have remained free in society since finishing their sentencing!
Our 12-principle evidence-based curriculum is designed to teach core values and life skills that are engaged in:
• Building Confidence
• Fostering Empowerment
• Inspiring Hope
• Discovering Resiliency
• Strengthening Relationships
• And more
Captain Your Story: Reflect, recount,
record, and reframe the stories
Through the course, we build resilience and confidence while helping all involved become goal-oriented members of society who value their relationships.
This course accelerates the reentry success by helping each individual become empowered with the tools they need to take ownership of their story and make the necessary changes to their lives.
We also work with justice involved families to empower them with the tools they need in this journey.

Practices and Strategies
The Hero's Journey - Joseph Campbell
Change Your Story - Stephanie Tolen
The Growth Mindset - Carol Dweck
Kindness Research - Nel Noddings
Drama Triangle - Stephen Karpman
The Brain Model - Dan Siegel
Maslow's Hierarch - Abraham Maslow
Learning DIP (or PIT) - James Nottingham
Circle of Control - Steven Covey
Meet the Team

Amy Chandler
Amy Chandler is an entrepreneur at heart with varying interests in helping people become an active agent in their story. She is the founder of a non profit, My Story Matters and the CEO of My Hero Journey, a social emotional learning curriculum company. Her greatest passion is people! First and foremost her family, whom she loves engaging in life with. She and her rockstar husband have the privilege of raising 4 beautiful children that keep them very busy. Traveling is one of her favorite hobbies and a beach is a plus, but not a hot one! She loves meeting people all over the world and getting to know, learn from and share their stories. She understands her mission is to empower people with the tools and resources they need to write their own story. As they do so they choose to claim and create the future they want to achieve. She knows that within each of us is a unique skill set designed to help us achieve far more than we realize. It is her mission to help others find THEIR mission and learn how to bless the world with it. Chasing and achieving our dreams can and should be done in every phase of life! You are never too young or too old to decide you will be the hero of YOUR story and you can use that story to bless all within your influence.

Josh Penrod
Josh is a wellness coach working professionally in the corporate arena. He has acquired professional training, mentoring and certification over the last decade through NASM, CrossFit, Anatomy Trains, Functional Patterns and Advanced Trainings Myofascial Techniques. The decade prior to that he spent his time as a dysfunctional heroin addict and after multiple treatment programs, criminal activity, numerous arrests and jail sentences he found himself serving a lengthy jail term at the Utah State Prison. His diverse educational background along with his experiential knowledge of overcoming challenges and battling daily for impossible change, employs him with the ability to meet those he works with right where they are on their wellness journey and then to guide them powerfully on the challenging path of goal achievement. His skill in wellness coaching has allowed him to build fitness programs and wellness curriculum for gyms, sports teams, community recreational groups, individuals and more. He currently works as the Director of Wellness for Tamarak Capital in Springville, Utah.

Natalyn Lewis
Natalyn Lewis has a life mission to arm people with knowledge and inspiration of who they are, what they are worth, and what they can achieve now and in the future. As a wife, mother, coach, entrepreneur, trainer, and speaker I know what it takes to balance life and business, with goals and passion and it CAN be done. Success and happiness are available in ALL aspects of life. The more people I meet, the more I long to reach, inspire and impact peoples lives in a positive way. I want people to remember and share THEIR story. Too often people are forgetting that they are unique and wonderful in their own journey ... but they MUST remember because they have the ability to impact the lives of those around them. I have now spoken to audiences in more than 24 countries around the world, totaling over half a million people. It is the greatest joy in my life to see people reach new potential and remember how amazing they really are!

Portia Louder
Portia Louder is a gifted storyteller with an indomitable spirit and energy. She grew up with parents whose nonconformity was both a curse and a blessing. Portia gained a fiery determination to carve out a successful life on her own terms. What is so astonishing about her story, is not so much that she found the guts and tenacity to climb out of some seemingly impossible situations, but that she describes those situations with deep affection. She gives us a story of triumph against the odds, but also a tender and moving tale of unconditional love and understanding encountered while she was locked away. Portia could be you, or your daughter, your mother or wife. She loves the sun and lives in Highland, Utah with her husband Chad and their children and grandchildren.