Claim Your Story (CYS) is a powerful toolkit that makes key standards in the curriculum engaging and meaningful. Students and educators alike will look forward to this part of the day, when they can go on a rewarding journey of self-discovery and apply it with Core Standards.

This dynamic and unique program is not an add-on to already busy schedules and overflowing unit plans. It is an effective and efficient way to introduce, discuss, apply, and assess the Core standards in a meaningful way that the students and educators will be engaged in because it’s about them.

Every student becomes a published author!

Most of the curriculum is given in the “outside in” approach, where information and data is presented to the student. Maybe it will sink in, maybe it won’t. Writing is very different. It’s the part of the curriculum that comes from the “inside out”. It comes from within the student — his or her thoughts, feelings, opinions, passions, understanding, fears, interests, etc. — and is expressed to the outside world. That is why Claim Your Story is so effective and engaging. It can take all parts of the curriculum and apply them to the students’ experiences and thoughts – their stories.

Claim Your Story is an instant and dynamic way to discover and apply key Core standards in literacy. However, it goes beyond that. It is a powerful toolkit for Character Education, class management, social skills, and much more. “Claim Your Story” enables students to discover, appreciate, and celebrate their own stories – as well as the stories of others.

This isn’t just a whirlwind program to go with whatever is trending. Claim Your Story uses the standards of literacy to leave a legacy.


Our curriculum toolbox is complete with


Each unit contains worksheets, reading suggestions, group activities, individual activities, and writing exercises.


Teachers will enjoy a full resource center with video tutorials, unit plans, worksheets, and support materials.


Each student will become an author of their very own digital book with options to print.


Students will learn 9 unique and engaging songs that correspond with the Claim Your Story units.



This realm includes artistic expression; However, it encompasses developing new ways to do things in addition to art. Creativity is at the essence of each Claim Your Story unit, with a focus on each student discovering, creating, and sharing his or her own personal story and expressing it in a variety of ways, as he or she becomes the hero of his or her own story.


It's through the entire process of Claim Your Story, with every unit and every activity that each student discovers and develops his or her own unique character. Each student understands that his or her thoughts, feelings, and behavior contribute to who they are as a person and what he or she can contribute to the larger group - the community. It truly is the evolution and power of discovering, developing, and sharing one's own story.


Each student develops speaking and writing skills that help him or her effectively share life experiences, opinions, and other narratives. With the Claim Your Story curriculum and activities, it is also vital for each student to actively and emphatically listen to others. Students have numerous experiences to be effective communicators throughout the Claim Your Story curriculum.


With the Claim Your Story experiences and activities, students soon discover and appreciate their own talents and strengths, as well as those of others. In large and small groups, as well as partnerships, they often work together to reach common goals. It is often with these collaborative team-building experiences that they find that their story is not theirs alone.


Though there is great power in one's own story, no story is complete on its own. With the Claim Your Story curriculum and process, each student soon comes to realize and appreciate that he or she has a valuable and dynamic part in a larger community. It is in these discussions and activities that students have the exciting discoveries of each individual's importance in a culture and in a community.


The process of critical thinking takes information from different sources and media and turns it into a form that is meaningful and makes sense. It involves a student looking at problems and solving them in a new way. Students are met with a variety of questions, tasks, and challenges to which they are expected and encouraged to look through the perspective of their own individual experiences to create their personal answers.

Message from our Founder:

As a world we have found ourselves in a unique climate. Everywhere we look there seem to be hardships, fear and concern. In times of uncertainty and challenge we all seek for tools that help us reach for skills of security, courage, and hope.

The work we do at My Story Matters teaches us that our resiliency is born in these moments. Although things are testing our resolve, we are confident that every student has the superpowers they need within them to navigate anything life brings their way. As the noise around us builds it is important that we each take the time to discover what we know, what is in our circle of control, and where our concerns lie. We can then lean into discovering what our unique superpowers are and how we use them to influence change, hope, and compassion in our communities.

A piece of the curriculum we engage students in revolves around the difficult circumstances life has dealt them. We encourage them to reflect on those situations in our lives and take note of the strengths they now have not in spite of the challenge, but because of it.

The Claim Your Story curriculum is packed with tools and resources that empower students with the tools they need to analyze their past, observe their present and make decisions about their future. They gain tools and resources to help them unleash the hero within to rise to the challenge of creating a future they are excited about.

Claim Your Story is built around engaging and alternative learning methods. We are committed to helping teachers engage in these important units with their students. Our step by step approach helps students and teachers work together to unleash the hero within. We are taking steps to provide additional materials and resources to aid educators in helping students to process the current events against the landscape of their individual stories.

Amy Chandler

CEO, Founder